Fix Our Broadband
It’s time to fix our broadband!
More of us are working from home, watching Netflix and iPlayer, online shopping, gaming and all the other things that stress our existing broadband.
If we wait for Openreach to upgrade us we will likely remain in the slow lane for some time. Fortunately the Government and Hampshire County Council have launched funding schemes to support local initiatives (see here) and your parish council is considering applying for funding to support an upgrade program.
To do this we need to understand how many households would be willing to apply for the funding scheme. If successful each household would get a direct fibre connection and have to agree to sign up for a broadband contract of at least 30Mbps.
If you would be willing to apply please send an email to giving your house address and email address so that we can assess the level of support.
By sending an email to this address you agree that the Parish Council and District Councillor can use your email address to communicate with you for the purposes of improving the broadband capabilities available within the village. This is required to satisfy the GDPR legislation.