Grants and Funds

Grants and funds available for Ropley projects

 Parish grants

The Parish Council sets aside a budget each year to support projects, which directly benefit the residents of Ropley. These smaller grants typically range from £300-£750. Unlike our larger Community Infrastructure Fund, these funds can go towards general running costs.

Past projects have included contributions towards the community minibus, Citizens Advice Bureau, Ropley’s archive project and the Ropley Courtyard Shop.

If you would like to apply for this fund, please email the Parish Clerk with your contact details and an outline of your proposal and a recent set of your accounts.

Community Infrastructure Fund

The Community Infrastructure Fund was set up by Ropley Parish Council with the purpose of financially supporting projects which directly benefit the residents of the parish of Ropley.

Sums of money are put into the Community Infrastructure Fund from the Parish Council’s Precept funding and are ring-fenced by Ropley Parish Council.

It is open to any business, society, charity or organisation to apply for a grant. The fund can cover all project costs, but applications must demonstrate that this work will have a direct benefit to the residents of Ropley Parish and that alternative sources of income have been sought.

If you wish to seek a grant from the Community Infrastructure Fund, please apply via the parish Clerk at

Applications will be considered and decided by the Parish Council. The application should be accompanied by a recent set of accounts.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

The Community Infrastructure Levy is a charge which can be levied by local authorities on new development in their area. It is an important tool for local authorities to use to help them deliver the infrastructure needed to support development in their area. Where all or part of a chargeable development is within the area of a parish council, the charging authority must pass a proportion of the CIL receipts from the development to the parish council.

Because Ropley Parish has a Neighbourhood Plan, the Parish Council can claim 25% (instead of 15%) of developer contributions on new developments.

To date, we have supported large scale projects which directly benefit the residents of Ropley. These have included the renovation of the village shop, renovation of the Coffee Rooms, supporting Ropley Play Group and the construction of new meeting facilities at St Peter’s Church.

We hope to use our current remaining funds on developing the play area. Use of these funds must be formally agreed by East Hampshire District Council.

Section 106 funds

The Parish Council also has funds available (held by East Hampshire District Council) which form part of the old system of developer contributions. These Section 106 funds have very specific criteria and must be used to support the defined project.

The Parish Council is always looking for ways we can use these selective funding options. To date, we have renovated footpath 11, restored the village pond and are commencing on a large infrastructure and drainage solution project with Hampshire County Council to tackle Ropley’s flooding issues.

The Parish Council is always interested to hear your views or new potential projects. Please contact the Parish Clerk (