Updating The Ropley Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2024

What are your views?

We want to hear your views on how the Ropley Parish Neighbourhood Plan should be updated. The current plan expires in September 2024.

Why is the Neighbourhood Plan important?

Neighbourhood Plans have legal status: local councils and planning inspectors must make their planning decisions on the basis of the policies contained in the Neighbourhood Plan. Without a current one we are more at risk of over-development and will be less able to influence change in our area.

What does the current Neighbourhood Plan say?

You can read the current Ropley Neighbourhood Plan here

Complete the questionnaire by 31 July for your views to be heard

Complete the online Questionnaire

A paper copy is also available from the centre of the BisMonRopTis or from the Courtyard Shop. Completed forms can be deposited in a box in the Courtyard Shop.
Hard copies will be delivered to those residents that we are aware are not computer users.

If several members of your household want to complete a questionnaire that would be great because we want the views of everyone – young and old.

How can I get more involved?

The Ropley Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group currently consists of seven volunteer residents; if you would also like to volunteer please contact the chair, Nicola Tindale        ntindale@ropleypc.org,

Where can I find the PRIVACY statement?

You can read the questionnaire Privacy statement here

Where will I find Updates of Progress?

Updates about the Neighbourhood Plan’s progress and dates of public meetings will be published in
BisMonRopTis and on this website

Last updated June 2024