There is a set of shelves just inside the north (modern) porch of St Peter’s with donated tins and other non-perishable items. If you are finding things are tight at the moment, please help yourself to whatever you and your family could use.

Many thanks to everyone who has left donations.

Items that people may find useful include sliced bread or rolls, pasta, pasta sauces, long grain rice, tinned soup especially ‘big soups’, cereals, long life milk, long life orange juice, fruit squash, tea bags, instant coffee, tinned fruit, tinned or packet custard, baby wipes, tissues, toilet rolls, toiletries and sanitary items.

Please check ‘use by’ and ‘best before’ dates. We currently have more tins of baked beans and dog food than people are likely to need. Small amounts of fresh fruit and vegetables that will last several days are also useful.

Sarah Earthy

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