We are looking for a new Membership Secretary – can you help ?

The Society is looking for someone to join our committee to take on the role of Membership Secretary for us. This is an interesting and not huge task and full support will be given, it would be useful, but not essential, to have knowledge of Access software. If you are interested, please contact Keith Monkhouse by email at communications@ropleysociety.org for further information. The role does not include the transmission of the Ropley Society emails.

Dates for your 2023 diaries

·      Thursday 20th April – The Society’s AGM and social evening with local speaker John Drewienkiewkz talking about his time in Kosovo. More details to follow.

·      Thursday 6th July – Social evening with local speaker Roger Booth talking about bells and bell ringing.

·      Thursday 26th October – Photographic Competition & social evening with speaker TBC

Keep up to date with information about the Society via our website at www.ropleysociety.org

Carole Oldham

By paulE