Following the appeal in the last edition of the BMRT by the Parish Council, it is heartening to report that several villagers have stepped forward to help with the running of the Parish Hall:
- Sarah Mansbridge has taken over as the Bookings Administrator, dealing with booking requests and queries (
- Christine Kruger is our Website Manager
- Stella Kenny is our Minutes Secretary
- Nigel Kaye and Tom Osborne are overseeing the practical aspects of keeping the Hall functioning
- Not forgetting the existing Committee Members who have been working hard to keep the Hall as a valued venue for Ropley – Mike Howarth, Maurice Shakespeare, Andy Bonner, Debbie Raynham, and Catherine Harris who has newly joined us after the retirement of Tim Day who did so much for the Hall over many years.
We are very grateful to them, and should anyone else feel they can offer some of their time, they would be most welcome, as it lightens the load and keeps the future of the Hall more secure.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that, with the departure of Tim, the Management Committee is looking for a Chairperson – do you think you could Chair our meetings?
Ropley Parish Hall Management Committee